Monday, February 9, 2015

Breaking down the bars.

                           Breaking down the Bars. My story of survival, defeat, and rising again.

Week 1 and 2.

My new titanium bars are in. My body is not rejecting the foreign objects, and since I'm not passing out from pain we are going to take that as " managing the pain". Great news, considering the last 2 weeks. I wanted to find a way to keep track of my progress , my set backs , and updates because this has and will be a interesting journey. I'm going to blog my journey, in the hopes that it keeps me motivated, but also can motivate others. We can always use painful and awful experiences for the greater good . 6 months from I plan to be able to be solid, strong, and in great shape . I left the hospital at 94 lbs. I weighed in at 96 lbs today. Boy do I have a long way to go. 

The pain has been almost unfathomable.. But I am stronger than the pain. Mind over matter .. Every second of every day. Pain pump gone. Epidural pump gone . Morpheme, dilaudid, Hard core oral pain medications don't touch the pain. Sometimes pain is so bad you almost turn numb. I will take that. 

The 1st picture is the front of my chest. Two bars will stay in my chest up to 4 years to keep my chest wall from caving in on my heart and lungs again. The bars are like braces, nine braces . Eeek.  The bars are the most painful part about all of this. They are constantly bending my bones to correct them. It's 24/7 pain. It's frustrating, it's exhausting, but hopefully they are doing their job.  Picture #2 bolts and screws that were drilled in to my  rib cage to keep the bars in place. For any of yall who were in the hospital with me and or home the last week, now you know why all the screaming! Lol.
I have a long road ahead, but I am keeping my chin up. It's very hard to lay in bed day after day when I'm such a active person. Don't ever take your strength for granted! EVER. Every time you brush your teeth be grateful you can do it. Be grateful you can brush your hair . Be grateful you can pull up your pants ( that will be the day ) be grateful that you can bring a glass of water to your lips. I fed myself for the first time yesterday... I can't tell you what a big step that was for me. More than ANYTHING.. Once again.. Hug your babies. The day that I can wrap my arms Sophia.

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